Musings from the Boondocks


Occasional Pieces 2010-2017: This is a collection of short and medium articles covering a wide variety of subjects. These pieces range from commentaries on current events to specific issues arising out of concrete incidents in my life. Films and books trigger a number of reflections. Some are simple observations of nature, while others attempt to encapsulate whole philosophies. In every instance, the intent has been to open up a space of reflection in which to share with others my abiding existential concerns and feelings as fellow travellers in the universal quest for meaning. 



By Way of a Prologue
Dear reader,
What you have stumbled upon is a collection of occasional articles that I wrote over a number of years as part of a blog intended for my friends. This cir-cumstance, that it was written for such a close and affectionate audience, may explain the rather personal and open nature of many of these pieces. One is not afraid to reveal oneself to one’s friends. On the contrary, they invite such an exposure, for theirs is an honest mirror in which one can learn to see oneself.
This bundle of short and medium pieces reflects a wide range of subjects that momentarily have attracted my attention or are the objects of more enduring interest. Thus, some are simple observations of nature, while others attempt to encapsulate whole philosophies. Many are commentaries on current events or take up specific issues arising out of very concrete incidents and situations in my life. Films and books trigger a number of reflections. In every instance, the intent has been to share with others my abiding existential concerns and feel-ings in a spirit of friendship and universal fellowship.
I can only hope that among these rambling musings of mine you might find something that touches your own existence and awakens something of the same spirit of global concern and of being together in a lifelong quest for meaning. It is in that spirit of communion that these pieces were written and I trust that it is in the same spirit that they will be received.
In friendship,
Javier Gómez Rodríguez
Lelystad, The Netherlands
04 February 2019







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